CHP - Trigeneration cycle provide the Customer with three main products:
Trigeneration solution is intended for the Customers having a necessity for refrigeration load in the form of chilled water or any other media at temperatures +5 … +15С. The concept is based on the use of absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines which convert heat energy into cold in the form of chilled water with a temperature chart of +5 … +15С.
Absorption refrigerating machines use natural refrigerating agent (lithium bromide salt solution (LiBr)). Generally, exhaust heat (low-potential steam, exhaust and combustion gases, condensate, circulating hot water, etc.) is used as an input heat source for absorption refrigerating machines.
Absorption refrigerating machine comprises four basic units: generator, condenser, evaporator and absorber. The basic operation principle is as follows. Lithium bromide solution is boiling in the generator due to input of heating flow (low-potential steam, exhaust and combustion gases, condensate, system circulating water, etc.)). Water (refrigerating agent) evaporated from lithium bromide solution comes to the condenser where it is condensed due to cooling by external circulating water supplied to tube coil by pipes from the cooling wet tower. Condensed water (refrigerating agent) comes from the condenser to the evaporator where its evaporation forces cooling of chilled product water coming from air conditioning systems or whatever consumer. Water vapors come from the evaporator to the absorber where they are absorbed by strong lithium bromide solution. A part of lithium bromide solution saturated with water vapors from the absorber is pumped through the heat exchanger to the generator for evaporation; the remainder is directed back to the absorber for more intensive saturation with water vapors.
Absorption refrigerating chiller solutions may potentially be combined both with “Heating-recycling systems with hot water production” and “Recycling systems with industrial steam production” solutions. With regard to the project requirements individual solutions are developed on the basis of a certain modification and type of refrigerating machines as well as the technological scheme of particular energy facility.